If You Don't Know Your "Cores," You Might As Well....

,,,,Throw Darts To Decide Which Rocks To Move. 

When thinking strategically, context is everything, Context is what your cores provide. Context for success. 

  • Core Purpose: what you do, for whom, and why that is important

  • Core Values: what you believe and how you should act on those beliefs

  • Core Customer: the customers you love to serve and love you in return  

  • Brand Promise: the real reasons your customer buys from you, not the features and benefits

  • Core Strengths:  what you are inherently good at (or can get good at) that enables you to be both better and different from the competition 

These are the “Main Things” that determine your success and your ability to grow.  If you don’t know these things, and more importantly, your team isn’t aware of them, deciding on the strategic move, the Rocks you need to move, becomes a mystery.  

When you know your Cores, deciding on the Rocks becomes much easier, sometimes even obvious.  

Knowing and defining your Cores is the hard part of strategy.  Everything flows from them.

The Rock & Sand Model walks you through the hard part of defining your Cores, connects them to your Vision (that’s another post, next week), enabling you to select the right Rocks.  

Moving the Rocks will still be a challenge.  But you’re up to it, you’ll enjoy moving them.  The Rock & Sand Model addresses that as well,  

How well do you know your Cores?  What to learn how to define them?


Let’s Play A Game of “Let’s Pretend”


“Push the Sand? Check. Move the Rocks? I’m Not So Sure.”